Friday, August 19, 2016

Austin, Texas $720 Million transportation bond will go before voters Nov. 8

Austin, TX. – The city council, after four hours of deliberation, have decided 8-3 to approve a $720 million transportation bond proposal for the November ballot. The proposal comes from Austin mayor, Steven Adler. The “mobility bond”, if approved, will work to restore many busy and congested roadways ((Airport, North and South Lamar, Burnet Road, Riverside, Guadalupe, and FM 969), as well as local sidewalks, bike trails and such.
The congestion and lack of accessibility on these roads has lead to countless accidents, leaving many individuals looking for an Austin Personal Injury Attorney. City transportation buses must stop in the busy traffic, halting all cars in the outside lines, only adding to the chaos.
The cost of this bond will be paid by “a slight increase” in property tax per year, equating to approximately $60 per homeowner. If approved a general obligation bond will be from the city’s $500 million bond capacity under the existing debt tax rate, and will cover $250 million of the $720 million price tag. The remaining $470 million will come from a debt tax rate increase of approximately two and a half cents per $100 of appraised value.
$482 million will be dedicated to the “corridors” specifically, including, creating pull out lanes for city buses to allow for loading/unloading without stopping traffic. “I would like us to change how Austin measures success when it comes to affordability. And to do that, we need a new vision for reducing traffic congestion that increases housing density along traffic corridors,” said Mayor Adler. “If we’re going to be a better city, Austin needs to be a smarter city.”
The council must make the final decision regarding the ballot by August. Yet there are no scheduled meetings in July. Make your voice heard and cast your vote. Brought to you by Terry & Kelly, PLLC Austin personal injury attorney.

from Terry & Kelly PLLC

Austin Police Increase Patrol to Fight Drunk Boating

Austin boating accident attorneys know a thing or two about boating safety. They also know the laws regarding operating a boat after drinking.

Austin police and Texas game wardens have stepped up their patrols on the water in response to a dramatic increase in injuries and deaths on area lakes due to boating under the influence of alcohol. “Operation Dry Water” was launched as a nationwide initiative in 2009 and has seen a 3% decline in deaths on the nation’s waters.

Last year, Austin police saw a decline in BWI arrests as the boating season went on. This is attributed to boaters noticing the increased patrols and arrests. Although BWI carries the same penalties as DWI, boating accidents can be much more dangerous, according to Austin Police Sergeant Glen Kreger. This is because boats are not built to handle impact and do not have safety features such as air bags and seat belts. Landing in water with an injury can be far more serious than being ejected from a car and landing on pavement.

Austin boating accident attorneys have seen some serious injuries that have occurred on the water. Not all boating injuries are caused by alcohol consumption on the water. Many accidents are caused by inexperienced operators. Many injuries and deaths could have been prevented by the use of safety gear and common sense safety practices. Do not operate a boat after drinking. Learn boating laws. Be sure everyone who will be on the boat knows how to swim. Make sure everyone on the boat is wearing a personal life vest rated for their size. And if you need a boating attorney, it is imperative that you contact Terry & Kelly, PLLC immediately. When an accident occurs, time is of the essence. Delay can cost you thousands.

from Terry & Kelly PLLC

DWI Arrests Increase After Uber/Lyft Leave Austin

From May 9th to May 31st of this year, Austin experienced an astounding 7.5% increase in the rates of arrest for drunk driving, which meant an increase in accidents. Those were also the dates of Uber and Lyft’s withdrawal of business from that city after Proposition 1 was passed by the city council, discouraging business from Transportation Network Companies (TNCs)and leaving those who were potential patrons staggering in the streets without options.

Thankfully the market has responded with several alternatives to Uber and Lyft, including Fare, another ridesharing service, Fasten, which boasts its policy of charging by the mile and the minute and nothing else, and Get Me, which is not only a ridesharing company but also a delivery service. That response proved too little too late, however, as the gap in available services in the city of Austin put too many drunk drivers back on the road and left a lot of people with no choice but to call an Austin car accident attorney.

There’s no need for the people of Austin to be left helpless and confused by these changes any longer. If you have suffered as so many other residents of Austin have from an accident on the road, whether you were behind the wheel or a passenger, it is imperative that you contact a car accident attorney in Austin to protect your rights. If you are in need of a helping hand after your car incident, Terry & Kelly, PLLC, are lawyers for Texans just like you.

from Terry & Kelly PLLC

Boat Accidents on the rise in Austin

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of boat accidents in the Austin, Texas area. As a result, there has been a significant rise in the number of people injured in boating accidents during that same time period. The following are some important steps that can be taken to reduce the possibility of a boat accident:

Eliminate Alcohol
Alcohol is a common denominator in a considerable number of boat accidents. The primary key to reducing the possibility of a boat accident is to eliminate drinking when on the water. The operator of the boat should never drink.
Moderate Speed
Another frequent underlying reason for a boat accident is speed in excess of what water conditions permit. Reducing speed and paying closer attention to water conditions is another step that can be taken to avoid a boat accident.
Proper Maintenance
A recurring cause of boat accidents is the failure to properly maintain a craft. Time needs to be set aside to properly maintain a watercraft. This not only includes appropriate regular maintenance but also safety inspections, including maintenance and safety inspections undertaken by a professional.
Retain Legal Counsel
If a person is injured in a boat accident in the Austin, he or she needs to seek out a qualified Austin boating accident attorney, like a member of the legal team at Terry Kerry PLLC. An initial consultation can be scheduled with an Austin boating accident attorney at our firm and there is no charge for an initial consultation to discuss a boat accident case.
During an initial consultation, an attorney will evaluate your specific case and answer any questions you may have. If you or a loved one has been injured in a boating-related accident, call us today.

from Terry & Kelly PLLC

Boating Safety A Must When Enjoying Texas Lakes

According to, the most common citations given to boaters are for not having enough life jackets on board or children under 13 not wearing life jackets. Nearly 85 percent of people who drown are not wearing a life jacket.

A typical boating fatality happens on a weekend between the hours of noon and 7 p.m. More often than not, the victim falls overboard and drowns before making it back into the boat. The real determining factor? Fifty percent of all boating accidents involved alcohol consumption.
Any Austin boating accident attorney will state that alcohol and water don’t mix.
Recreational boaters may think they are having fun on the water – in the sun, cruising, skiing and consuming alcohol. However, the effects of alcohol on the body can be magnified by sun and heat, causing individuals to become more intoxicated than they realize.

Coast Guard statistics indicate that most alcohol-related boating accidents involve the inattention of the operator plus excessive speed, drugs, alcohol or both. Usually, the boat operator is 35 or older.
A BUI (Boating Under the Influence) can be just as devastating as a DUI, and more likely to happen. Why? Open containers of alcohol are legal while boating, because boating is recognized as recreational. However, driving a boat will intoxicated is illegal and can lead to the driver receiving a BUI (Boating Under the Influence charge). Such drivers could wind up with a criminal record for drinking and driving a boat. More importantly, they can cause serious injury or death of other individuals.
If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of the negligent operation of a boat – including BUI – you should contact a boat accident lawyer immediately to protect your interests. Our Austin boating accident attorneys are always available to discuss your case and help you receive the justice you deserve. If you need assistance, please contact Terry & Kelly PLLC today for a free consultation.

from Terry & Kelly PLLC

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Viral Video Takes Austin On A Trip Down Memory Lane

The changes that can come to a city over the course of two decades can be dramatic as a recent online video showed with respect to how Austin has rapidly expanded. Back on June 9, 1996, a then-law student from Scotland decided to document what life looked like in the city, helping to create a time capsule for that distant era.

Traveling down some of the main city streets brought glimpses of buildings and businesses that are no longer there, gas prices in the range of $1.40 a gallon and traffic on a Sunday afternoon that saw minimal activity. Due to the absence of any heavy influx of traffic, there seems to have been little or no use for the services of an Austin car accident attorney.

Fast forward to the present day and things have drastically changed for Austin, the vast majority of differences being on the positive side. A surge in tech-related businesses and other startups has made the city a magnet for growth, resulting in an economic explosion that continues to offer many benefits.

Accordingly, Austin’s population has surged from approximately 560,000 at the time the video was shot to more than two million as of December 2015. That’s meant more cars on the road, which has increased the potential dangers for all drivers as well as pedestrians. Unfortunately, that’s also made the need for an Austin car accident attorney much more important.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of someone’s irresponsible behavior behind the wheel, it makes sense to get in touch with an Austin car accident attorney like those at Terry & Kelly PLLC. They fight passionately for their clients in the courtroom and have won large verdicts to help those victims achieve justice. Contact them today!

from Terry & Kelly PLLC